What Scholarships are Available to Paralegal Students?
You don’t have to spend too long researching paralegal programs before you come to realize the good ones aren’t cheap.
There’s a good chance you’re thinking about just working your way through school, hoping you can come up with enough overtime to keep up with the rent and still make tuition payments for the next quarter with enough left over to afford some Top Ramen.
But that approach doesn’t leave you with much time to study, and keeping your nose buried in the books is a big part of being successful in any legal studies program. If it wasn’t complicated stuff, they wouldn’t pay you so much when you finally land the job, right?
So scholarships are often the best way to bridge the gap between what you are comfortable taking on in loans, and how much time you’re prepared to spend on the grind working your way through school.
Every college hopeful dreams of the full-ride scholarship, but you’ll soon find that for paralegal students there’s just no such thing. Instead, you’ll find yourself piecing together half-a dozen or more different small scholarships to help you cover the gaps… and to make sure you have enough left over to afford something to go with your ramen.
Eligibility and Other Considerations When Applying for a Scholarship
Every scholarship will have eligibility criteria you’re going to need to meet in order to qualify. When free money is on the table, you can bet there is going to be a lot of people going for it. The most competitive scholarships could have hundreds of applicants, and not everyone gets a slice of the pie. For virtually any scholarship out there, you can count on being compared to other eager candidates on the basis of:
- Grade point average
- Essays or application statements
- Personal background, such as income or ethnicity
- Letters of recommendation
Depending on the scholarship, it may offer only one grant per year, or may help cover costs for several students. Your odds are better applying to a scholarship that makes multiple awards, even if the amount is lower than single-grant scholarships.
Consider Your Degree Program
The paralegal field is unusual since there isn’t a single, clear path into the profession. Depending on the area of law you plan to specialize in, the local job market, and the particular firms you may be applying at, education qualifications can range from a basic career diploma, to an associate’s, to a bachelors or post-degree certificate.
Not every scholarship will cover every type of paralegal education program out there. Generally, it’s easiest to find scholarships that can be applied toward the cost of a bachelor’s degree. Certificate programs and associate’s degrees usually have far fewer options available.
Some scholarships are restricted to certain schools. In fact, many scholarships are through the schools themselves—one of your best resources for finding applicable scholarships will come after you decide on what school you’ll be attending. Most schools have a financial aid and scholarship office staffed with experienced professionals who can give you a comprehensive rundown of what options are available through the school.
Be Creative Researching Scholarship Options
Don’t get sidetracked looking only at scholarships that are specific to paralegal studies, either. Many scholarships are awarded on the basis of other criteria entirely and can be used toward any type of degree, including paralegal programs.
These are often awarded on the basis of geography, ethnicity, income, or combinations of those factors: for example, the Valley of the Sun United Way offers a Navajo Nation, Arizona Off Reservation scholarship with a particularly intricate set of requirements:
- Be enrolled in a minimum of 1 course at an accredited college or university
- Be a permanent resident of the Navajo Nation, but living elsewhere temporarily for educational purposes
- Have a household income below 200 percent of the federal poverty level
- Have a child below the age of 5 who is not yet eligible for kindergarten
Although the highly detailed set of qualifications for this scholarship and others may seem pretty bizarre, it’s actually a benefit: they restrict availability to a relatively narrow range of candidates. If you happen to meet the criteria, your odds of receiving some money go way up.
Many prospective students are put off by those complicated qualifications and don’t take the time to dive deep into the various awards that are available. But that’s exactly the reason to do it—you’re likely to find options that hardly anybody else is going for. And if you’re not into that type of detail-oriented research, you might want to rethink your choice of profession, anyway. Paralegals are expected to drill down into complex matters, perform rational analyses, and parse out relevant info every day, so this is something that should come easy to you if you’ve got what it takes to make it in this field.
Common Sources of Paralegal Scholarships
Scholarships that are specific to paralegal studies often come from associations or firms that are, naturally, involved in some way with the legal field.
Bar Associations
Bar associations are professional bodies of lawyers that often serve as a rule-making and regulatory body for legal practices. They may exist for both geographic regions (at the national, state, and local levels), or for particular courts of jurisdiction (such as the Supreme Court Bar).
Many of these have scholarships available for legal or paralegal students. Often, the more local the association, the more likely it is to support legal education exclusively for students from that region.
Professional Associations
You can expect the major paralegal associations to offer some of the larger and more popular scholarships:
- National Federation of Paralegal Associations – In cooperation with Thomson Reuters, offers two scholarships each year, one each for $2,000 and $3,000.
- The Association for Legal Professionals (NALS) – NALS does not offer scholarships directly, but has formed partnerships with third-party organizations to allow members exclusive access to scholarship opportunities.
- The American Association for Paralegal Education – In a unique arrangement, AAfPE sponsors scholarships exclusively for members of the Lambda Epsilon Chi society, a national honor society in legal and paralegal studies. Five awards of $500 each are made each year.
This is true of not only the large, national paralegal associations, but also for some smaller, regional associations.
For instance, the Jean H. Proffitt and Susan Brewer, Esq. Scholarship Fund, established by the Richmond Paralegal Association, offers a $1,000 scholarship to cover tuition and textbook costs for deserving paralegal students in the Richmond, VA area.
Individual Law Firms
Law firms are one of the biggest beneficiaries of having a pool of well-trained and motivated paralegals in the job market, so they are often supportive of students seeking to make a career in the field.
Because the job market is mostly local, these grants are usually available only to students in the area where the firm practices. The Michigan corporate legal firm of Warner, Norcross, & Judd, for example, awards a $2,000 scholarship each year to a Michigan resident majoring in paralegal or legal assistant studies.
But that’s not always the case and you should not hesitate to cast your net wider than just local firms. The Ehline Law Firm in Los Angeles offers scholarships on the basis of an essay competition to students enrolled at accredited schools who maintain a 3.0 minimum grade point average. The award is not restricted to Los Angeles or even California, but can be offered to students nation-wide.
Colleges and Universities
The bulk of scholarships come directly attached to the college or university programs themselves. These are often either sponsored by, or otherwise granted in the name of, graduates of those institutions who want to give a hand up to those following in their footsteps.
These scholarships are some of the best options for covering the costs of an associate’s or certificate program.
For example, at Coastline Community College in California, which has both an AA and a certificate program in paralegal studies, the paralegal program faculty offer a $250 scholarship to students there.
Paralegal Scholarships At the State and National Level
What good is giving you a scholarship guide if we don’t roll up our sleeves and do some of the heavy lifting for you?
We did the work of researching the scholarships out there, then we organized them all by state to make it even easier for you to find what you qualify for.
So here it is, the results of our exhaustive search for every scholarship we could find available to anybody considering a paralegal studies program, or currently enrolled in one.
Find Scholarships For Your State
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Start by taking a look at the national options, which don’t have any location or state residency requirements. Then click on your state to see what’s available in your area.
Non-State-Based Paralegal Scholarships
Aiello Harris Legal Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must be enrolled/accepted into in an accredited legal/paralegal education program in the U.S.
- Must hold or anticipate a high school diploma/GED
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must submit short essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 5
Boonswag Law Firm $1000 Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a U.S. citizen/legal resident
- Must attend college in the U.S.
- Must be enrolled in a college paralegal program or law school
- Must have a 3.25 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 31
Console & Hollawell Paralegal Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must have a high school diploma/GED
- Must be enrolled as a full-time student in a community college, technical school or business school and pursuing a degree or certification in paralegal studies or legal assistant studies
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 15
d’Oliveira & Associates College Scholarship
Benefit: $1000 to winning student, $500 to their school
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must have a high school diploma/GED
- Must attend or plan to enroll in an accredited school to study paralegal/legal assistant studies
- Must not be an employee, intern or contractor of d’Oliveira & Associates or their immediate families
- Must submit an essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 28
Ehline Law Firm Paralegal Scholarship Fund
Benefit: varies
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must either be enrolled in a paralegal program with a 3.0 GPA OR be working in a law office
- Must submit an essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: October 1
Heather Heyer Foundation Annual Scholarship for Paralegals, Social Workers and Educators
Benefit: varies
- Must be a U.S. citizen/legal resident
- Must be enrolled in an ABA-accredited paralegal program (or other select majors0
- Must intend to promote peaceful social change for unity
- Must submit an essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
Jonathan F. Marshall Legal Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must be enrolled in high school (and graduate within nine months) or college
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must submit an essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 1
Law Offices of Billy Skinner Student Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time student in legal studies at an accredited U.S. college/university
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must submit a short essay
- Must submit a short video
Other details:
- Application deadlines: Dec 15 (spring) and July 31 (fall)
Legal Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be at least 18 years old
- Must be currently enrolled in an accredited paralegal education program, or a high school student accepted into such a program
- Must plan to pursue a paralegal career
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 1
LEX Scholarship of the American Association for Paralegal Education (AAfPE)
Benefit: $500
- Must be registered full- or part-time at a school with a LEX (Lambda Epsilon Chi) Chapter
- Must intend to use the scholarship to further your paralegal education
- Must submit an essay on a topic selected by the scholarship committee
- Must submit a letter of good standing
Other details:
- Application deadline: January 15
Microsoft Disability Scholarship
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a current high school senior in the U.S. living with a disability
- Must plan to attend a U.S. undergraduate college/university program full- or half-time in the fall of the academic year following high school graduation
- Must declare a major in law, business or related field such as paralegal
- Must demonstrate a passion for technology
- Must demonstrate leadership at school/in community
- Must have a high school GPA of 3.0
- Must require financial assistance to attend college
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 15
- Award is renewable
Moses and Rooth Attorneys at Law Paralegal Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be a legal resident/citizen of the U.S.
- Must be an incoming or currently enrolled student in an approved paralegal education program
- Must submit an essay on a given topic
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
PCCE (Paralegal CORE Competency Exam) Scholarship of the Paralegal Education Group
Benefit: Scholarship covers the cost of a review manual, PEG online review course and the exam fee for the PCCE
- Must be an NFPA (National Federation of Paralegal Associations, Inc.) member
- Must be eligible to take the PCCE (i.e., must meet one or more of these qualifications:
- Hold a bachelor’s degree in any subject plus a paralegal certificate
- Hold a bachelor’s degree in paralegal studies
- Hold an associate’s degree in any subject and a paralegal certificate
- Hold an associate’s degree in any subject, no paralegal certificate, and at least a year of experience and 6 hours of CLE
- Hold a paralegal certificate from a qualified program, 1-year paralegal experience, 6 hours of CLE
- Be an active duty, retired or former military personnel who worked as a paralegal and have one hour of ethics CLE
- Be within two months of graduation and registered for the exam by your director
- Hold a high school diploma, five years of experience, and 12 hours of CLE
- Must submit an essay on a topic specified in the application
Other details:
- Must agree to take the PCCE within one year of winning the scholarship award
- Application deadline: July 1
- Scholarship to be awarded at the annual NFPA convention in October
PACE (Paralegal Advanced Competency Exam) Scholarship of the Paralegal Education Group
Benefit: Scholarship covers the cost of a review manual, PEG online review course and the exam fee for the PACE
- Must be an NFPA (National Federation of Paralegal Associations, Inc.) member
- Must be eligible to take the PACE (i.e., must meet one or more of these qualifications:
- Hold a bachelor’s degree in any subject plus three years’ paralegal experience
- Hold a bachelor’s degree in paralegal studies and two years of paralegal experience
- Hold an associate’s degree in paralegal studies and six years of paralegal experience
- Have four years of paralegal experience earned before Dec 1, 2000
- Must submit an essay on a topic specified in the application
Other details:
- Must agree to take the PACE within one year of winning the scholarship award
- Application deadline: July 1
- Scholarship to be awarded at the annual NFPA convention in October
Reiff and Bily Legal Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must be pursuing a degree in paralegal studies (show proof of full-time enrollment)
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must submit an essay on a topic specified in the application
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 1
Waechter Medical-Legal Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must attend a U.S. college/university legal education program
- Must submit an essay on a given topic
Other details:
- Application deadline: Sept 1
Wilentz Family Law Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled in a U.S. college/university law program such as paralegal
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must submit an essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 15
Alabama Paralegal Scholarships
E.O. McCord Endowment Scholarship/Gadsden State Community College
Benefit: varies
- Preference is given to a second-year paralegal studies major at Gadsden State Community College
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
Alaska Paralegal Scholarships
Justice Center University of Alaska Anchorage Administration Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in a Paralegal Studies degree/certificate program at UAA
- Must be taking at least three credits at UAA
- Must have a 2.8 GPA
- Must have completed 12 credits of justice, legal studies and/or paralegal studies courses
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 16
Arizona Paralegal Scholarships
Business/Paralegal Division Scholarship-Yavapai College
Benefit: varies
- Must be pursuing a business or paralegal degree or certificate at Yavapai College
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must show satisfactory academic progress
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 15
Maricopa County Bar Association Paralegal Division Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an Arizona resident
- Must be a member of the Maricopa County Bar Association Paralegal Division
- Must be enrolled for at least six hours in an Arizona paralegal program, and have completed at least six hours prior to the start of the fall semester and 12 hours at the end of the fall semester
- Must have a 3.0 GPA in paralegal courses
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 1
Paralegal Association of Yavapai Scholarship/Yavapai College
Benefit: $500
- Must be pursuing paralegal degree/certificate at Yavapai college
- Must be an Arizona resident
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 15
Arkansas Paralegal Scholarships
Arkansas Paralegal Alliance, Inc. Scholarship
Benefit: $250 (towards cost of CLA/CP exam)
- Must be a member of APA in good standing
- Must be taking CLA/CP exam for first time
- Must meet NALA requirements for taking CLA/CP exam
- Must submit letter of recommendation from attorney supervisor
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 30
California Paralegal Scholarships
California Institute of Management and Technology Pioneer Scholarship
Benefit: full scholarship for tuition to the Paralegal Studies program
- Must be accepted by/enrolled in the Paralegal Studies program at California Institute of Management and Technology
- Must submit short essay
California Institute of Management and Technology Career Builder Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must have six months of professional experience in the legal industry
- Must be accepted by/enrolled in the Paralegal Studies program at California Institute of Management and Technology
- Must submit short essay
California Institute of Management and Technology Career Changer Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must have professional experience in non-legal industries
- Must be accepted by/enrolled in the Paralegal Studies program at California Institute of Management and Technology
- Must submit short essay
Central Coast Paralegal Association Scholarship
Benefit: $500 twice yearly (fall and spring semester)
- Must be enrolled in an approved paralegal studies program at Cuestra College in California
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1 and Oct 1
Chugh Firm Paralegal Scholarship/Cerritos College
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a paralegal student at Cerritos College
Coastline Community College Paralegal Faculty Scholarship II
Benefit: $250
- Must be a Coastline Community College student in good standing who has completed at least 18 units in the paralegal studies program
- Must have a 3.0 GPA in paralegal coursework
- Must qualify for a BOG waiver
Other details:
- Application deadline: February 21
David Goldstein Memorial Scholarship in Paralegal Studies/San Francisco State University
Benefit: $3000
- Must be enrolled in the Paralegal Studies Certificate program at San Francisco State University
- Must have completed at least one full semester
- Must have a 3.5 GPA in Paralegal Studies courses
- Must have taken the Paralegal Studies Criminal Law class and/or have completed volunteer work/internship in criminal justice
- Must submit an essay
Dr. Eugene C. Azamber Paralegal Scholarship/Fresno City College
Benefit: $250
- Must be enrolled at least half-time in the paralegal program at Fresno City College
- Must have completed at least nine units in the program
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Elizabeth Root Memorial Scholarship/Orange County Paralegal Association
Benefit: $500
- Must be a current OCPA member
- Must either be enrolled in a paralegal class or have taken 4 credits applicable to a paralegal certificate in the past three years, OR be currently working/have worked as a paralegal within the past three years
- Must submit an essay on a given topic
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 4
Eula Mae Jett Scholarship Plan/Legal Secretaries, Inc.
Benefit: first place- $2000, second place – $1000
- Must be a high school senior who will be enrolled in paralegal education in the fall OR currently enrolled in a paralegal education program and have completed at least one year of study OR be enrolled in another subject matter or working in another field and desire a career change into the paralegal field
- Must be a legal resident of California
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Grace De La Torre Scholarship/Redwood Empire Association of Paralegals
Benefit: $500
- Must be a current voting member of REAP
- Must be currently working full- or part-time as a paralegal or legal assistant in Sonoma County
- Must submit an essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 23
Heidi Carlson-Joelson Memorial Scholarship/College of the Sequoias
Benefit: $400
- Must be a full-time paralegal student at College of the Sequoias
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
John O’Sullivan Memorial Scholarship-Sacramento Valley Paralegal Association
Benefit: one $750 award, one $500 award, one $250 award
- Must be enrolled in an approved California paralegal program
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 2
Long Beach Legal Secretaries Association Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be pursuing a career in the legal field
- Must demonstrate financial need
Los Angeles Paralegal Association Student Membership Scholarship Award
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a student member of the LAPA in good standing
- Must attend an approved paralegal program in California as a full-or part-time student, and have completed at least 12 units of paralegal coursework
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
- Must have community service/pro bono experience
- Must submit an essay on why you decided to become a paralegal
- Must submit a letter of recommendation from a faculty member/admin of your paralegal program
Other details:
- Application deadline: September 15
Mt. Diablo Legal Professionals Association Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a California resident
- Must desire a career in the legal field
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Otto and Lynette L. Hall Scholarship for Business, Education and Medical Fields/Fresno City College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a disadvantaged African American student
- Must be enrolled full-time in paralegal or pre-law at Fresno City College
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
Richard Garza Memorial Scholarship/California State University San Bernardino
Benefit: varies
- Must be a paralegal student enrolled at least half-time at California State University San Bernardino
- Must have declared the Paralegal Certificate program or Criminal Justice major with Paralegal option at California State University San Bernardino
- Must have completed at least 45 units of coursework
- Must have a 2.75 GPA or higher
Robert and Frances Fullerton Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be pursuing a paralegal or law degree/certificate at California State University San Bernardino
San Diego Paralegal Association Annual Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled in a paralegal education program in San Diego County, or if a continuing education student, must be a SDPA member in good standing
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 31
Santa Barbara Paralegal Association Training Scholarship
Benefit: $500 for students enrolled in paralegal certificate programs
- Must live or work in Santa Barbara County
- Must be enrolled in an approved paralegal program in California
- Must provide two letters of recommendation
- Must provide transcript with GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 30
Santa Barbara Paralegal Association Certification Scholarship
Benefit: $250 for students qualified to sit for advanced paralegal certifying exam
- Must live or work in Santa Barbara County
- Must be registered to take an advanced paralegal certification exam
- Must provide two letters of recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 30
Santa Clara County Legal Professionals Association: Plan A
Benefit: $2000 first place, $1000 second place
- Must be a high school senior who will have graduated in June and enrolled in fall semester in a paralegal program in California
- Must be a legal resident of California
Santa Clara County Legal Professionals Association: Plan B
Benefit: $2000 first place, $1000 second place
- Must be enrolled in a California paralegal program and have completed at least one year of college
- Must be a legal resident of California
Santa Clara County Legal Professionals Association: Plan C
Benefit: $2000 first place, $1000 second place
- Must be enrolled in a California college/business school in a legal field and either desire to re-enter the workforce after being out or to change careers and enter the legal field
- Must be a legal resident of California
Sequoia Paralegal Association/College of the Sequoias Scholarship
Benefit: $250 and a one-year student membership to SPA
- Must be in your last year pursuing a paralegal certificate at College of the Sequoias
- Must have taken 20 paralegal units in the past three years
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 1
Colorado Paralegal Scholarships
Gavin D. Litwiller Endowed Scholarship in Law – Colorado Mountain College
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in at least five semester credits in paralegal/legal studies at Colorado Mountain College
- Preference given to freshmen
- Preference given to students with a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Terri Brake Memorial Scholarship Fund/Colorado State Public Defender’s Office
Benefit: $500 towards attending capital litigation training seminars in Colorado
- Must be a paralegal working in Colorado
- Must have interest in attending capital litigation training seminars
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 25
Connecticut Paralegal Scholarships
Melissa Fenwick & Harold Schramm Endowed Scholarship/Western Connecticut State University
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in Western Connecticut State University’s Paralegal Studies program
- Must have a 3.2 GPA
- Must demonstrate need
Waterbury Bar Association Paralegal/Legal Assistant Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must live or work in the Waterbury Judicial District
- Must be enrolled in an accredited paralegal/legal assistant program
- Must have completed 30 hours toward degree/certificate
- Must intend to seek employment in the Waterbury Judicial District
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 2
Delaware Paralegal Scholarships
Joan M. Weldon Memorial Scholarship/Philadelphia Association of Paralegals
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled in a paralegal education program in the Delaware Valley
- Must submit an essay on a given topic
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 6
Mary L. Creekmore Memorial Scholarship/Philadelphia Association of Paralegals
Benefit: $2000
- Must be enrolled in a paralegal studies program in the Delaware Valley area
- Must submit an essay on a given topic
- Preference given to applicants who submit a letter of recommendation confirming participation in a community service activity
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 2
District of Columbia Paralegal Scholarships
Andrea Lupanze, RP PACE Memorial Scholarship/National Capital Area Paralegal Association
Benefit: $800 towards expenses related to preparing for, applying for and taking PACE exam
- Must be a current member of NCAPA and have been a member for one year
- Must meet requirements to take PACE exam
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 13
National Capital Area Paralegal Association PCCE Scholarship
Benefit: $700 towards expenses related to preparing for, applying for and taking PCCE exam
- Must be a current member of NCAPA and have been a member for one year
- Must meet requirements to take PCCE exam
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 13
New Futures Scholarship Program
Benefit: varies, up to $7800
- Must live in the District of Columbia metropolitan area, which includes the Maryland counties of Prince George’s and Montgomery County and the Virginia cities of Alexandria, Falls Church and Fairfax and counties of Arlington and Fairfax
- Must be pursuing an associate’s degree or certificate in paralegal studies (or other selected major listed on application) in the DC metropolitan area
- Must be between the ages of 17 and 29
- Must demonstrate low-income status
- Must have a 2.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadlines: April 7 for Fall, October 7 for Spring
Florida Paralegal Scholarships
Danny Strickland Memorial Scholarship Fund-Paralegal/Eastern Florida State College
Benefit: $500
- Must be a paralegal major at Eastern Florida State College (among other majors listed on application)
- Must live in Brevard County
- Must be a full-time student
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 30
Florida Accident Law Help Legal Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled in a law/paralegal program at a Florida college or university
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must have a high school diploma/GED
- Must have a 3.0 or higher GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec. 31
Northeast Florida Paralegal Association Professional Development Scholarship Program
Benefit: varies, provides reimbursement for certification examinations
- Must have been an active or student member of NEFPA for at least one year prior to application and must remain a member for a year after receiving award
- Must be take a CLA/CP or AP certification examination within one year of receiving award
Other details:
- Application deadline – Aug 1
Paralegal Association of Florida Student Education Scholarship
Benefit: two $250 scholarships (one awarded spring semester, one awarded fall semester)
- Must be a student member of PAF in good standing
- Must live or work in Florida
- Must submit two letters of recommendation (one from paralegal professor and one from employer)
- Must submit transcript
Other details:
- Application deadline: June
Paralegal/Legal Assisting Scholarship/Florida Community College at Jacksonville
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled at least part-time in the paralegal/legal assisting program at Florida Community College at Jacksonville
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov. 30
Suncoast Chapter of the Paralegal Association of Florida Scholarships/State College of Florida
Benefit: $500
- Must be a paralegal student intending to take the NALA CLA/CP exam
- Money must be used to prepare for and take exam
Benefit: $375
- Must be at least a part-time paralegal student at Daytona Beach Community College
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Sept 30
Tampa Bay Paralegal Association, Inc. Board Certification Scholarship
Benefit: $350.00
- Scholarship money must be used to assist with expenses in preparation of and cover the cost of the PACE, PCCE or CP review manual and examination fees
- Must be a TBPA active member in good standing
- Must be employed as a paralegal
- Must live or work in Hillsborough, Polk, Pinellas or Pasco Counties
- Must submit an essay on why you seek paralegal certification
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct. 31
- Must use scholarship funds within one year of receiving them
Tampa Bay Paralegal Association, Inc. Paralegal Student Scholarship
Benefit: $500 and free student membership with TBPA for one year
- Must be enrolled part-or full-time in an approved paralegal education program
- Must have completed at least one semester of the paralegal education program
- Must have at least a B average
- Must submit an essay on your paralegal professional goals and need for scholarship assistance
Other details:
- Funds must be used for paralegal education
- Application deadline: Oct. 31
Tampa Bay Paralegal Association, Inc. Professional Development Scholarship
Benefit: $350.00
- Scholarship money must be used to cover the cost of the National Federation of Paralegal Association, Inc. PACE or PCCE Review Manual and Exam fee or the NALA CP Review Manual and Exam Fee
- Must be a TBPA active member in good standing
- Must be employed as a paralegal
- Must live or work in Hillsborough, Polk, Pinellas or Pasco Counties
- Must submit an essay on why you seek paralegal certification
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct. 31
- Must use scholarship funds within one year of receiving them
Georgia Paralegal Scholarships
Brenda Watts Jones Memorial Foundation Student Scholarship/Atlanta Technical College
Benefit: three scholarships of $1000 each
- Must be enrolled full-time in paralegal studies (or other majors listed on application) at Atlanta Technical College
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must submit two letters of recommendation
- Single students with children are encouraged to apply
- Current/prospective students who are employed and want to enhance their professional credentials are encouraged to apply
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 4
Columbus Lawyers Educational Foundation Scholarship/University of Georgia School of Law
Benefit: $1500
- Must live in the Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit (includes Marion, Taylor, Talbot, Chattahoochee, Harris and Muscogee Counties) or on Fort Benning, Georgia
- Must be a student in law/paralegal at the University of Georgia School of Law
- Must plan to work in the Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit upon graduation
- Must have satisfactory GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 1
Georgia Association of ParalegalsPCCEScholarship
Benefit: $350
- Must be a member of the GAP
- Must qualify for thePCCEexam
- Must agree to sit for the exam within one year of winning award
- Must submit an essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Sept 30
Robert Oliver Scholarship for Legal Studies/Clayton State University
Benefit: $1636
- Must be a student in paralegal/legal studies at Clayton State University
Hawaii Paralegal Scholarships
There were no paralegal scholarships available as of October 2017.
Idaho Paralegal Scholarships
George V. Wolfe Pre-Law Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must be a pre-law major at the College of Idaho
- Must be a sophomore, junior or senior
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must complete FAFSA
Illinois Paralegal Scholarships
Camille Hickman Scholarship/Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Benefit: varies
- Must be a junior or senior paralegal studies student at Southern Illinois University Carbondale
- Must have overcome a substantial personal challenge and still succeeded in paralegal studies program
Dr. M. Browning Carrott Scholarship/Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Benefit: varies
- Must be a senior paralegal major at Southern Illinois University Carbondale
- Must have the highest GPA of the senior paralegal class
Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Award/Roosevelt University
Benefit: varies, up to $3000
- Must be enrolled in the paralegal program at Roosevelt University
- Must possess a bachelor’s degree in any major
- Must submit an essay
Judge Ernest Akemann Scholarship/Elgin Community College
Benefit: Four $3000 scholarships
- Must be a paralegal student at Elgin Community College
- Must have a 2.0 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
Paralegal Studies Scholarship/Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Benefit: varies
- Must be a junior enrolled in Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s paralegal studies program
- Must have the highest overall GPA of the junior paralegal studies class
Richard D. Wiegers Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be an Illinois resident
- Must plan to attend a college/university in Illinois and study in the legal field
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Indiana Paralegal Scholarships
Ohio County Community Foundation Certification Scholarship Program
Benefit: $300
- Must have been a resident of Ohio County, Indiana
- Must be enrolled in a paralegal certification from an approved education program and attach proof on enrollment and cost
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 29
Paralegal Scholarship/Lakeland Community College
Benefit: $750 towards tuition, fees and books
- Must be enrolled in the paralegal studies program at Lakeland Community College
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
William W. Hurst Law Scholarship
Benefit: two $500 scholarships awarded each year (one in fall semester, one in spring semester)
- Must be enrolled in a paralegal education program
- Preference is given to Indiana residents
- Financial need must be demonstrated
Other details:
- Application deadlines: July 31 for fall; Dec 20 for spring
Iowa Paralegal Scholarships
ACT Endowed Scholarship Program/Kirkwood Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must be pursuing an associate degree in paralegal studies (or other specified majors) at Kirkwood Community College
- Preference given to students with great academic achievement
- Preference given to students from diverse background
Other details:
- If selected, recipient must participate in one volunteer activity during the year on behalf of ACT
- May reapply for second year of funding
Bradley & Riley Legal Paralegal Scholarship/Kirkwood Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in paralegal studies at Kirkwood Community College
- Must commit to work in Polk, Johnson or Linn Counties in Iowa after graduation
Johnston Martineau LLP Scholarship for Legal Studies
Benefit: $500
- Must attend an Iowa college or university and study paralegal/legal assistant education
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must submit an essay on why you are interested in a legal services education and career plans
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 1
Morris and Diane Allen Endowed Scholarship/Kirkwood Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a resident of Iowa
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be enrolled in the paralegal program (or other selected majors) at Kirkwood Community College
- Must have completed at least one semester at Kirkwood
- Must demonstrate financial need
Paula Grady Memorial Scholarship/Iowa Paralegal Association
Benefit: $500
- Must be an Iowa resident
- Must be a student currently enrolled in a paralegal program in Iowa OR an IPA member
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 1
Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman PLC Scholarship/Kirkwood Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in paralegal program at Kirkwood Community College
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Tom & Nan Riley Scholarship/Kirkwood Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in the paralegal program at Kirkwood Community College
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Weston-Nadler Endowed Scholarship/Kirkwood Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must have completed the first semester of paralegal studies at Kirkwood Community College
- Must have a 3.2 GPA
- Must have a defined career goal in legal area
- Preference given to a returning adult student
Kansas Paralegal Scholarships
Douglas L. Bebout Scholarship/Kansas Association of Legal Assistants/Paralegals
Benefit: $250
- Must be enrolled in at least six credit hours at a paralegal education program at one of the following Kansas colleges: Newman University, Johnson County Community College, Washburn University, Hutchinson Community College
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must submit an essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 20
Kansas Paralegal Association PACE Scholarship
Benefit: varies, covers preparation for and cost of PACE certification exam
- Must be qualified and plan to take PACE certification exam
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
Kansas Paralegal Association PCCE Scholarship
Benefit: varies, covers preparation for and cost of PCCE certification exam
- Must be qualified and plan to take PCCE certification exam
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
Richard T. Martin Memorial Academic Scholarship/Kansas Paralegal Association
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full- or part-time student in a paralegal program in college/university
- Must be a resident of, work in or enrolled in a paralegal program in Kansas
- Must have a 2.7 GPA
- Must participate in community service activities
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Sept 30
Kentucky Paralegal Scholarships
Clyde B. Cates Scholarship/Western Kentucky University
Benefit: two $500 scholarships
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Paralegal Studies Unit of the WKU School of Professional Studies
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 15
Gloria Young Hovious Memorial Scholarship/Western Kentucky University
Benefit: $750
- Must be enrolled full-time in the Paralegal Studies Unit of the WKU School of Professional Studies
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 15
Greater Lexington Paralegal Association Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a member of the GLPA
- Must be enrolled in a paralegal education program
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 1
Louisiana Paralegal Scholarships
Lafayette Paralegal Association Scholarship Program
Benefit: $500 towards certification preparation and exam
- Must be an active member of LPA for two years prior to application submission
- Must meet requirements of paralegal certification exam
- Must intend to use the funds for one of the following exams: NALA, CWCP, Notary Public Exam for Louisiana, LCP
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 31
Rochelle Scholarship/Louisiana State Paralegal Association
Benefit: $500
- Must be currently enrolled in an accredited paralegal program in Louisiana
- Must have a 3.0 GPA and be enrolled in at least six hours of paralegal studies courses
- Must plan a future career as a paralegal
- Must submit $5 application fee
Other details:
- Application deadline: March
Maine Paralegal Scholarships
There were no paralegal scholarships available as of October 2017.
Maryland Paralegal Scholarships
Delmar Legal Studies Award/Stevenson University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a paralegal studies student at Stevenson University
- Must have demonstrated superior oral and written communication skills in paralegal studies
Francis X. Pugh Scholarship/Stevenson University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a sophomore paralegal studies student at Stevenson University
- Must have demonstrated academic excellence and a commitment to paralegal field
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 15
Maryland Association of Paralegals PACE/PCCE Scholarships
Benefit: $350
- Must be eligible to sit for PACE/PCCE exam
- Must plan to take exam within one year of winning scholarship
New Futures Scholarship Program
Benefit: varies, up to $7800
- Must live in the District of Columbia metropolitan area, which includes the Maryland counties of Prince George’s and Montgomery County and the Virginia cities of Alexandria, Falls Church and Fairfax and counties of Arlington and Fairfax
- Must be pursuing an associate’s degree or certificate in paralegal studies (or other selected major listed on application) in the DC metropolitan area
- Must be between the ages of 17 and 29
- Must demonstrate low-income status
- Must have a 2.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadlines: April 7 for Fall, October 7 for Spring
Massachusetts Paralegal Scholarships
Muriel G. Hervey Memorial Scholarship/Middlesex Community College
Benefit: varies, up to $2000 each (three scholarships)
- Must be a paralegal student at Middlesex Community College
- Must have completed at least three paralegal courses
Michigan Paralegal Scholarships
Alice W. Callum Paralegal Scholarship/Eastern Michigan University
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in Eastern Michigan University’s Paralegal Studies program
- Preference given to a junior or senior with a 3.0 GPA
- Preference given to applicants with community service activities
Mullendore Legal Studies and Criminal Justice Scholarship/Grand Valley State University
Benefit: $1500 for full-time students, pro-rated for part-time students
- Must be enrolled in at least six credits in legal studies program at Grand Valley State University
- Must have completed at least 55 credit hours
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must have demonstrated financial need/filed FAFSA form
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 1
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a Michigan resident
- Must be a high school senior or enrolled in a college paralegal program
- Must have a B average
- Must have financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: January 15
State Bar of Michigan Paralegal/Legal Assistant Scholarship
Benefit: varies, usually $250 to $1000
- Must be a Michigan resident
- Must be either a high school senior who will be enrolling or a current student enrolled in a paralegal/legal assistant program in Michigan
- Must have a C average
- Must provide letter of recommendation from teacher/counselor
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
Warner Norcross & Judd LLP Minority Scholarship Program
Benefit: $2000 for a paralegal/legal assistant student; $1000 for a legal secretary student
- Must be a Michigan resident of color (African American, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, Pacific Islander)
- Must major in paralegal/legal assistant/legal secretary studies in an accredited program
- Must submit an essay
- Must submit two letters of reference, one from a paralegal teacher or former employer
- Must show financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Minnesota Paralegal Scholarships
Hamline University Paralegal Certificate Department Scholarship
Benefit: $2000 (one spring and one fall)
- Must be enrolled in/accepted into Hamline University’s Paralegal Certificate program at least part-time (8 credits)
- Must demonstrate financial need/file a FAFSA application
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 15 for fall, December 15 for spring
Minnesota State Paralegal Association Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be a member of the MSPAM
Mississippi Paralegal Scholarships
NALA Scholarship/Mississippi Paralegal Association
Benefit: varies, pays for preparation and taking NALA CP exam
- Must qualify to take NALA CP exam
- Must be nominated by a NALA-affiliated organization (such as MPA)
- Must be currently working as a paralegal, and have worked as a paralegal for two years prior to winning award
- Must have a professional reference
Missouri Paralegal Scholarships
Kansas City Paralegal Association Scholarship
Benefit: $750
- Must have completed one semester in a paralegal education program
- Must have at least a B average
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 30
St. Louis Paralegal Association Scholarships
Benefit: $500
- Must be a member of STPLA
- Must be enrolled in an approved paralegal education program
- Must maintain a B average in all paralegal classes
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Montana Paralegal Scholarships
There were no paralegal scholarships available as of October 2017.
Nebraska Paralegal Scholarships
Lincoln Legal Professionals Association Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be a Nebraska high school or college student planning to pursue education in the legal support field
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 13
Nebraska Paralegal Association Certified Paralegal Scholarship
Benefit: $925, to be used towards cost of Certified Paralegal exam
- Must be a member of NePA
- Must be a resident of Nebraska or Iowa
- Must meet NALA Certified Paralegal Exam eligibility requirements
- Must not have received any other NePA scholarship
- Must provide two letters of recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 1
Omaha Legal Professionals Association College Level Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled full-time in paralegal studies
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Must intend to pursue a career in the legal field
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 17
Nevada Paralegal Scholarships
Bradshaw Law Paralegal Scholarship/Great Basin College-Elko Campus
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a paralegal studies student at Great Basin College-Elko Campus
Benefit: $2000
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must be a high school senior or high school graduate in the state of Nevada
- Must seek a law-oriented degree
- Must have a 3.0 BPA
- Preference given to applicants who submit recommendation letters
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
New Hampshire Paralegal Scholarships
Paralegal Association of New Hampshire Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in a paralegal education program in New Hampshire or nearby states
New Jersey Paralegal Scholarships
Cumberland County Bar Foundation Paralegal Scholarship/Cumberland County College
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled or planning to enroll in Cumberland County College’s paralegal program
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 20
Patricia Critelli Scholarship/Raritan Valley Community College
Benefit: $4000
- Must be a student at Raritan Valley Community College in the paralegal studies certificate or associate of applied science in paralegal studies degree program
- Must be a resident of Hunterdon County
- Must have two years of paralegal experience
- Must demonstrate academic excellence
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must maintain a 3.0 GPA if receive award
New Mexico Paralegal Scholarships
Paralegal Division of the State Bar of New Mexico
Benefit: $250
- Must currently be registered as a full-time or part-time student in an accredited paralegal program in New Mexico and must be enrolled in that program for next term
- Must be a legal resident of New Mexico
- Must demonstrate academic excellence
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 1
New York Paralegal Scholarships
Benefit: varies
- Must be attending graduate paralegal studies at New York University
Bar Association of Herkimer County Scholarship/Herkimer College
Benefit: $100
- Must be enrolled in Herkimer College’s paralegal program
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec. 31
Cornelia A. Bregman Memorial Scholarship/Capital Region Women’s Network
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a permanent resident of Columbia, Saratoga, Schoharie, Greene, Washington, Rensselaer, Schenectady or Albany counties in New York
- Must be a woman
- Must be 25 years of age or older
- Must be pursuing paralegal education (along with other select majors)
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Dr. Arthur G. Baumeister Memorial Paralegal Scholarship/Erie Community College
Benefit: $300
- Must be enrolled in the Paralegal Program at Erie Community College
- Must anticipate graduation from the program at the end of the current school year
- Must show academic excellence
- Must have a deep respect for the law
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 11
Florence E. Jenkins Memorial Online School Scholarship/New York Paralegal
Benefit: full or partial tuition for New York Paralegal online paralegal certification
- Must regularly attend church or religious devotional services at the same referring church/religious organization
- Must be 17 years of age or older
- Must have a high school diploma/GED
- Must live in the same borough, county or province as the referring church/religious organization
- Must have less than $45,000 in combined family income
- Must demonstrate personal qualities like cooperativeness, enthusiasm, responsibility, generosity and community awareness
- Must submit an essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 31
Gillian Gayle Paralegal Student Scholarship/New York City Paralegal Association
Benefit: $500
- Must be a student enrolled in an approved paralegal program in NYC, Rockland or Westchester Counties
- Must have at least one course to complete before graduation
- Must submit an essay
- Must maintain student level NYCPA membership to apply and receive scholarship
Hilbert College Annual Major Award Scholarship
Benefit: $1500
- Must be a high school senior enrolling full-time at Hilbert College in Paralegal Studies
Other details:
- Must maintain a 2.5 GPA for two years to renew scholarship
Hilbert College In-State Residential Scholarship
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a high school senior enrolling full-time at Hilbert College in Paralegal Studies
- Must be a New York state resident
- Must choose to live on campus
- Must have a high school average of 85 or higher
Other details:
- Must maintain a 2.5 GPA for two years to renew scholarship
Hilbert College Non-Renewable In-State Housing Scholarship
Benefit: $2000
- Must be a high school senior enrolling full-time at Hilbert College in Paralegal Studies
- Must be a New York state resident
- Must choose to live on campus in the residence halls
- Must have a high school average of 85 or higher
New York City Paralegal Association: PACE Scholarship
Benefit: $330 towards certification exam/fees
- Must maintain active or associate level membership in NYCPA to apply and receive scholarship
- Must submit essay
New York City Paralegal Association: PCCE Scholarship
Benefit: $330 towards certification exam/fees
- Must maintain active or associate level membership in NYCPA to apply and receive scholarship
- Must submit essay
Roslyn Kaner Miller Paralegal Scholarship/Tompkins Cortland Community College
Benefit: $500
- Must be a current full- or part-time student enrolled in the paralegal degree program at Tompkins Cortland Community College
- Must have completed Legal Research and Drafting course with a B or better
- Must have demonstrated financial need
North Carolina Paralegal Scholarships
Asheville Area Paralegal Association Susan B. Russo Student Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled in an ABA -approved paralegal studies program in North Carolina
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 1
Camille Stell Scholarship of the Raleigh-Wake Paralegal Association
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled as a student in a paralegal program in Wake County
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
- Winner announced at the RWPA meeting in April
North Carolina Paralegal Association Student Scholarship Essay Contest
Benefit: varies
- Must be a current NCPA member
Other details:
- Contest is held annually from October through January
North Carolina Paralegal Association/Meredith R. Pollette, CLAS Scholarship Essay Contest
Benefit: varies, benefit is intended to go towards the payment of exam fees for the CLA/CP and APC exams given by the National Association of Legal Assistants
- Must be a current NCPA member
- Must plan to take the CLA/CP or APC exam of the National Association of Legal Assistants
Other details:
- Application opens in June
Paralegal Student Scholarship/Central Carolina Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student in paralegal studies at Central Carolina Community College
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
Rebecca K. Ollis Endowed Memorial Scholarship/Western Piedmont Community College
Benefit: $250
- Must be enrolled at least half-time in the paralegal program at Western Piedmont Community College
- Must maintain satisfactory academic progress
- Preference given to students demonstrating financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
Sam J. Ervin III Scholarship/Western Piedmont Community College
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a full-time, second-year paralegal technology student at Western Piedmont Community College
- Preference is given to nontraditional students
- Preference is given to Burke County residents
- Must demonstrate superior academic achievement
- Financial need may be considered
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
North Dakota Paralegal Scholarships
Ohio Paralegal Scholarships
Capital University Law School Paralegal Scholarship
Benefit: $5000-$7000 over three or four years
- Must hold paralegal certification from Capital University
- Must be enrolled in Capital University’s JD program
Cuyahoga Community College Paralegal Studies Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in a paralegal studies program at Cuyahoga Community College
- Must have a 3.0 overall GPA, 3.5 GPA in paralegal courses
- Must have completed at least 45 semester hours of study
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct. 31
Jeanne M. and George E. Horen Paralegal Scholarship/University of Toledo
Benefit: $1000 ($500/semester)
- Must be a junior or senior non-traditional student enrolled full- or part-time in the paralegal studies program at the University of Toledo
- Must have a 3.5 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: April
Ohio State Bar Association Paralegal Certification Examination Scholarship
Benefit: $250 to use towards preparing for and taking OSBA paralegal certification exam
- Must provide proof of exam application payment
- Awards based upon work history, educational experience and financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 27
Oklahoma Paralegal Scholarships
Central Oklahoma Association of Legal Assistants Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be pursuing a degree/certificate in legal assistant/paralegal studies
- Must have completed classes in introduction to law and legal analysis or legal writing at Rose State College or University of Oklahoma
- Must submit references
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 26
Jamie Bowie Memorial Scholarship/Oklahoma Paralegal Association
Benefit: $250 and one-year membership in OPA
- Must be currently enrolled in a legal assistant/paralegal program in the U.S.
- Must have completed six credit hours in this program
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 15
Jo Balding Scholarship/Crown & Dunlevy/University of Oklahoma Law Center
Benefit: varies
- Must be a student studying paralegal/legal studies at the University of Oklahoma Law Center
Oklahoma Paralegal Association Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must be attending an ABA approved paralegal/legal assistant education program in Oklahoma
- Must have completed at least six credit hours
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 10
Oregon Paralegal Scholarships
NALS of Oregon Scholarship Fund, Inc.
Benefit: $1000
- Must study paralegal/legal assistant education at an Oregon college/university
Oregon Paralegal Association PACE Certification Scholarship
Benefit: varies, covers costs of preparation and taking PACE certification exam
- Must be a current member of OPA and renew your status for a year after winning scholarship
- Must be qualified to take PACE certification exam
- Must take exam within a year of winning award
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 31
Oregon Paralegal Association PCCE Certification Scholarship
Benefit: varies, covers costs of preparation and taking PCCE certification exam
- Must be a current member of OPA and renew your status for a year after winning scholarship
- Must be qualified to take PCCE certification exam
- Must take exam within a year of winning award
Other details:
- Application deadline: Aug 31
Pennsylvania Paralegal Scholarships
Delaware County Paralegal Association Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be pursuing a paralegal degree or certificate in the greater Philadelphia area (including Delaware, Chester, Montgomery, Bucks and Philadelphia Counties)
- Must submit essay
- Must submit letter of recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 1
Genevieve A. Mealy Scholarship/Duquesne University School of Law
Benefit: varies
- Must be a paralegal student at Duquesne University School of Law
- Must have a 4.0 GPA
- Must participate in paralegal program activities or professional organizations
- Must participate in community service or pro bono activities
- Must provide letter of recommendation
- Must submit essay
- Must demonstrate financial need
Joan M. Weldon Memorial Scholarship/Philadelphia Association of Paralegals
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled in a paralegal education program in the Delaware Valley
- Must submit an essay on a given topic
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 6
Benefit: $5000
- Must be a student of color (American Indian, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Black or African-American, Hispanic or Latino)
- Must have been accepted by or enrolled in an accredited college in Central Pennsylvania
- Must plan to pursue a law-related career
- Must demonstrate academic achievement
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Rolling application deadline
Mary L. Creekmore Memorial Scholarship/Philadelphia Association of Paralegals
Benefit: $2000
- Must be enrolled in a paralegal studies program in the Delaware Valley area
- Must submit an essay on a given topic
- Preference given to applicants who submit a letter of recommendation confirming participation in a community service activity
Other details:
- Application deadline: Dec 2
Benefit: varies
- Must be a third-or fourth-year paralegal studies/legal assistant student at Pennsylvania College of Technology
- Must be enrolled at least half-time
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must be a nontraditional student
McCormick Law Firm Scholarship/Pennsylvania College of Technology
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled as a full-or part-time paralegal studies/legal assistant student at Penn College
- Must reside in Lycoming County, PA
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Robert and Patricia Shoff Rambo Scholarship/Pennsylvania College of Technology
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled as a full-time student in the paralegal studies/legal assistant program at Penn College
- Must be a third-year student or greater
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Rhode Island Paralegal Scholarships
Wright Family Scholarship Fund/Roger Williams University
Benefit: varies
- Must be a junior or senior majoring in paralegal studies at Roger Williams University
- Must demonstrate academic merit
- Must demonstrate financial need
South Carolina Paralegal Scholarships
William Roberts, Jr. Scholarship/Greenville Technical College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a paralegal student at Greenville Technical College
William Roberts, Jr. Scholarship/Midlands Technical College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a paralegal student at Midlands Technical College
William Roberts, Jr. Scholarship/Trident Technical College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a paralegal student at Trident Technical College
South Dakota Paralegal Scholarships
Jennifer PIgsley Memorial Scholarship/Western Dakota Tech
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in your first year of paralegal studies at Western Dakota Tech
- Must have achieved recognition on the Dean’s List for the fall semester (i.e., have a 3.5 GPA and a minimum of 12 credit hours)
- Must submit a short essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
South Dakota Paralegal Association Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled in a paralegal education program in South Dakota, or be a resident of South Dakota and enrolled in a paralegal education program outside the state
- Must have completed one year of paralegal studies with a B average
- Must submit a writing sample
- Must submit a letter of recommendation from faculty member of paralegal program
Other details:
- Application deadline: May 1
Tennessee Paralegal Scholarships
Baptist Memorial Hospital Paralegal Scholars Scholarship/Southwest Tennessee Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time student in Southwest Tennessee Community College’s paralegal program
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
BEHIO Scholarship/Southwest Tennessee Community College
Benefit: Five $500 scholarships awarded each fall and spring semester
- Must have a high school diploma/GED
- Must be a full- or part-time student at Southwest Tennessee Community College with a major in paralegal studies
- Must have accumulated 12 credit hours in paralegal studies or be enrolled in one paralegal course
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
Lawassa B. Jones Memorial Scholarship/Tennessee Paralegal Association
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled in a paralegal education program
- Must include letters of personal and scholastic recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 15
Pam Cobb Memorial Endowed Paralegal Scholarship Fund/Southwest Tennessee Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must be an entering freshman or returning student at Southwest Tennessee Community College enrolled full- or part-time in the AAS Paralegal Studies program
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must submit essay
- Must have high school diploma/GED
- Preference is given to applicants with volunteer/pro bono experience
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 15
Smoky Mountain Paralegal Association Student Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled full-time in a paralegal program at a SMPA Sustaining Member institute, OR
- Must be a SMPA student member
- Should have completed 6 hours in paralegal studies
- Must have good academic standing
- Must submit essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov 15
Texas Paralegal Scholarships
Cameron County Bar Association Paralegal Scholarship/Texas Southmost College
Benefit: $500
- Must be enrolled in paralegal studies program at Texas Southmost College
- Must be a current resident of Cameron County, TX or have attended high school in Cameron County, TX for at least two years
- Must be a U.S. citizen
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must have a 2.5 GPA
- Preference is given to applicants who have participated in community service activities
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 17
Dallas Area Paralegal Association Scholarship
Benefit: $1500
- Must be currently enrolled in an approved paralegal education program in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area at one of the following schools: Texas Wesleyan University, Texas Christian University, Texas A&M Commerce, Tarrant County College Northeast Campus, Southern Methodist University, El Centro College, Collin College
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: July 7
Nancy McLaughlin Scholarship of the Capital Area Paralegal Association
Benefit: varies but is at least $250
Eligibility: scholarship funds must be used for one of the following purposes (use does not have to be identified at the time of scholarship application however):
- Purchase of the NALA Manual for Paralegals and Legal Assistants
- Testing fee for the Certified Paralegal/Certified Legal Assistant (CP/CLA) exam
- Testing fee for the Texas Board of Legal Specialization (TBLS) exam
- Texas Advanced Paralegal Seminar (TAPS)
- Any other CLE that has received credit from the State Bar of Texas, NALA and/or TBLS
- Tuition to paralegal programs at Center for Advanced Legal Studies, Austin Community College, University of Texas or Texas State University
- Membership in CAPA
Other details:
- Must use scholarship funds within one year of receiving them
San Antonio Paralegal Association Professional Certification Scholarship
Benefit: varies- covers half the fee of the NALA CLA/CP exam or half the fee of the TBLS certification exam)
- Must be a current student, associate or voting member of SAPA
- Must provide a written essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 9
San Antonio Paralegal Association Paralegal Training Scholarship
Benefit: varies, up to $200, to be used towards payment of tuition for classes towards a paralegal degree or certificate
- Must be a current student, associate or voting member of SAPA
- Must provide a written essay
- Must provide a copy of current college transcript
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 9
San Antonio Paralegal Association Texas Advanced Paralegal Seminar Scholarship
Benefit: covers half the registration fee for TAPS seminar in October
- Must be a current student, associate or voting member of SAPA
- Must provide a written essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 9
West Texas Paralegal Association Scholarship
Benefit: varies
- Must live in one of the following counties in Texas: Terry, Lynn, Lubbock, Lamb, Hockley, Hale, Garza, Floyd, Crosby
- Must be currently enrolled for at least six credit hours in a paralegal program approved by the Texas State Bar Paralegal Division
Utah Paralegal Scholarships
Heather Johnson Finch Memorial Endowed Scholarship/Utah Valley University
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in paralegal studies program at Utah Valley University (college sophomore, junior or senior)
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
- Must show recent and ongoing community service
Vermont Paralegal Scholarships
Vermont Paralegal Organization Paralegal Certification Scholarship
Benefit: $250, to go towards preparation for and taking of PACE or PCCE Exam
- Must be a VPO member
- Must be eligible to sit for the PACE or PCCE exam
- Must use the scholarship money within one year
Other details:
- Application deadlines: March 30, June 30, Sept 30 and Dec 30
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) Paralegal Organization Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be a resident of Vermont
- Must be accepted into/enrolled in an accredited paralegal education/legal assistant program
- Must submit essay and meet minimum GPA requirements
Other details:
- Application deadline: March 9
Virginia Paralegal Scholarships
Janet Scott Scholarship/Richmond Paralegal Association
Benefit: $250
- Must be a student, active, or provisional member of RPA
- Must meet NALA’s criteria to take CLA/CP or APC exam
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov 1
Jean H. Proffitt and Susan Brewer, Esq. Scholarship Fund/Richmond Paralegal Association
Benefit: $1000 and one-year paid student membership to RPA
- Must be attending an approved paralegal education program full- or part-time in the Richmond metro area and have completed at least nine semester hours
- Must provide transcripts (3.0 GPA or higher given preference)
- Must provide letter of recommendation from paralegal professor or supervising attorney
Other details:
- Application deadline: Oct 1
Margaret H. Lewis Scholarship/Local Government Paralegal Association
Benefit: $1000
- Must be a Virginia resident
- Must be a part- or full-time student at an approved paralegal/legal assistant program in Virginia and have completed at least 12 semester hours
- Must not have employer reimbursement of tuition and books
- Preference given to applicants with GPA of at least 3.0
- Must submit a letter of recommendation
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 29
New Futures Scholarship Program
Benefit: varies, up to $7800
- Must live in the District of Columbia metropolitan area, which includes the Maryland counties of Prince George’s and Montgomery County and the Virginia cities of Alexandria, Falls Church and Fairfax and counties of Arlington and Fairfax
- Must be pursuing an associate’s degree or certificate in paralegal studies (or other selected major listed on application) in the DC metropolitan area
- Must be between the ages of 17 and 29
- Must demonstrate low-income status
- Must have a 2.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadlines: April 7 for Fall, October 7 for Spring
Sally Fairbanks Scholarship in Paralegal Studies/University of Richmond
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in the University of Richmond’s Evening School Paralegal Studies program
Washington Paralegal Scholarships
Career Advancement Scholarship-Paralegal Studies/Tacoma Community College
Benefit: $500-$1000
- Must be a full- or part-time paralegal studies student at Tacoma Community College (among other majors listed on application)
Frank W. Foley Scholarship in Legal and Related Studies/South Puget Sound Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must be enrolled in legal studies/paralegal program at South Puget Sound Community College
- Must demonstrate financial need
- Must show academic achievement
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
West Virginia Paralegal Scholarships
Bernice Pickens Parsons Scholarship
Benefit: varies, average award = $1950
- Preference is given to Jackson County, WV residents
- Must be enrolled in a paralegal education program
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: Jan 15
Legal Assistants/Paralegals of Southern West Virginia Scholarship
Benefit: $500
- Must be a LAPSWV member in good standing
- Must be enrolled in a paralegal education program
- Must have a minimum B average in paralegal classes
- Must submit transcript
- Must submit two letters of recommendation (one from director of paralegal program)
Other details:
- Application deadline: June 9
Nell Elizabeth Cook Rutherford Memorial Scholarship/Mountwest Community & Technical College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a female paralegal student at Mountwest Community & Technical College
- Must be from Wyoming County, WV
Wisconsin Paralegal Scholarships
Chippewa Falls Rotary Club Scholarship/Chippewa Valley Technical College
Benefit: $300
- Must be enrolled in a business-related program (such as paralegal) at Chippewa Valley Technical College
- Must be a local resident
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 30
Joanne Dow Memorial Scholarship/Chippewa Valley Technical College
Benefit: $100
- Must be enrolled in paralegal program at Chippewa Valley Technical College
- Preference given to applicants with community involvement
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 30
Madison Area Paralegal Association Scholarship
Benefit: $1000
- Must be currently enrolled in a paralegal program in Wisconsin
- Must demonstrate academic excellence
- Must submit short essay
Other details:
- Application deadline: Nov 25
Paralegal Association of Wisconsin Scholarship/Milwaukee Area Technical College
Benefit: $1000
- Must be enrolled in/accepted into paralegal program at Milwaukee Area Technical College
- Must have an A-B average
- Must submit a writing sample
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 18
Wisconsin Association for Legal Professionals Scholarship
Benefit: $450
- Must be interested in pursuing a law-related degree program at a technical college or four-year college and a career in the legal field
- Must provide three letters of recommendation
- Must be nominated by a local chapter of WALP
Other details:
- Application deadline: Feb 28
Wyoming Paralegal Scholarships
Gail Chaimson Horst Memorial Scholarship/Laramie County Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must major in paralegal/business major at Laramie County Community College
- Must have a 2.8 GPA
- Must demonstrate financial need
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Hirst Applegate Paralegal Scholarship/Laramie County Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time paralegal studies student at Laramie County Community College
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Janice Munker Paralegal Scholarship/Laramie County Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time paralegal student at Laramie County Community College
- Must have completed at least 12 credit hours
- Must maintain a 2.5 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1
Thomas G. Gorman Legal Studies Scholarship/Laramie County Community College
Benefit: varies
- Must be a full-time student at Laramie County Community College enrolled in the Legal Assistant program
- Must have a 3.0 GPA
Other details:
- Application deadline: April 1