Author Archives: Rebecca Turley

About Rebecca Turley

Rebecca is a full-time writer and editor with a BA in Journalism and Communications. Throughout her career she has contributed to high-profile websites and blogs related to psychology, social and behavioral sciences, teaching and more. You can connect with Rebecca on LinkedIn at

A Day in the Life of a Paralegal

It is not commonly known outside the legal profession what paralegals do on a daily basis. Most people know that paralegals go through extensive training, but the rest is somewhat mysterious, which is unfortunate since the work that’s done is …

Sound Advice for the First-Year Paralegal

There are some things that you can’t learn in a classroom, as many paralegals will tell you. The first year as a paralegal is a challenging one for many individuals, as there is always a considerable learning curve. A recent …

What Does your Ideal Paralegal Program Look Like?

The paralegal profession is no different from others, as it involves competing against a gaggle of qualified candidates and hoping that your education and skills come out on top. One of the best ways you can set yourself apart from …